作者:joyweb 发布于:2015-01-19 21:47:00 文字:【
a. Visa requirements
Third country nationals, including seafarers, are in principle required to hold a visa
when travelling to the Schengen Area. A third country national is any person who is
not a citizen of the European Union within the meaning of Article 17 (1) of the Treaty.
The list of third country nationals (and seafarers) who must hold a uniform visa is
laid down in Annex 1 of Regulation 539/2001.
b. Visa exemptions
Member States may, however, individually exempt certain categories of third country
nationals from the requirement to hold a uniform visa. The following categories of
seafarers can benefit from such national exemption:
- Civilian sea crew members in the performance of their duties
- Civilian sea crew members when they go ashore and hold a seafarer’s identity
document issued in accordance with ILO Conventions No 108 of 13 May 1958
or No 185 of 19 June 2003, or IMO Convention on Facilitation of International
Maritime Traffic of 9 April 1965.
- Crew of emergency or rescue missions in the event of a disaster or accident;
- Civilian sea crew members of ships navigating in international inland
waterways.The list of exempted categories of third country nationals can be found in Information
pursuant to Council Regulation 539/2001.