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Entry conditions for third-country nationals
作者:joyweb    发布于:2015-01-19 22:11:00    文字:【】【】【
For stays not exceeding three months (90 days) per six-month period (180 days),
the entry conditions for third-country nationals shall be the following:
- They are in possession of a valid travel document or documents authorising
them to cross the border;
- They are in possession of a valid visa;
- They justify the purpose and conditions of the intended stay, and they have
sufficient means of subsistence, both for the duration of the intended stay and
for the return to their country of origin or transit to a third country into which
they are certain to be admitted, or are in a position to acquire such means
- They are not persons for whom an alert has been issued in the SIS for the
purposes of refusing entry;
- They are not considered to be a threat to public policy, internal security, public
health or the international relations of any of the Member States, in particular
where no alert has been issued in Member States’ national data bases for the
purposes of refusing entry on the same grounds.
However, third-country nationals who fulfil all these conditions – except that they do
not possess a valid visa – and who present themselves at the border, may be
authorised to enter the territories of the Member States, if a visa is issued at the
border, including the issue of such visas to seamen in transit.
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